Use Log Level per Logger

If you need a different log level for every logger (i.e. if you have a custom logger like Crashlytics logger that should not log Info or Debug info), you can easily achieve this using the DDLog.add(_, with:) method in Swift, or [DDLog addLogger:withLevel:] method in Objective C.


DDLog.add(DDOSLogger.sharedInstance, with:
DDLog.add(DDFileLogger.sharedInstance, with: DDLogLevel.debug)

Objective C

[DDLog addLogger:[DDOSLogger sharedInstance] withLevel:DDLogLevelInfo];
[DDLog addLogger:[DDFileLogger sharedInstance] withLevel:DDLogLevelDebug];

You can still use the old method +addLogger:, this one uses the DDLogLevelVerbose as default, so no log is excluded.

You can retrieve the list of every logger and level associated to DDLog via the [DDLog allLoggersWithLevel] method.